How Do I Display Hidden Files and Folders?
By default, the AppData and ProgramData folder which Cashflow Manager files are stored in is a 'hidden' folder on the computer. For Windows 10 Open Windows File Explorer from the ? icon on the taskbar Go to [view] in the top left Tick [Hidden items] ...
Help, my program will not open
If you are having difficulty opening the Cashflow Manager program, this could be your subscription is not up to date, you can check our Downloads section to check you are on the latest version. You may also need to check you are up to date with your ...
How Do I Back-Up My File?
You should always make a backup of your data before you close the file that you are working in. This means making a copy so that if something happens to your current C12 file, you will not have lost all of your information. Cashflow Manager saves ...
Error - Object Reference Not Set
This error message usually means you are actioning a process with missing/incorrect details or a folder/record is not being recognised. Opening the desktop application: Object reference not set to an instance of an object when opening the application ...
Converting your Version 11 business file to Version 12
Summary If you're updating from Version 11 to Version 12, you will need to convert your business file to the new format. Fortunately, this is easily done by first creating a new back-up of your Version 11 Business File, then converting it to the new ...
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End of Financial Year Checklist
Be prepared and organised this end of financial year, with our easy-to-follow checklist. You can view and download the checklist here. We’ve provided seven steps to make your reporting as stress-free as possible, and if you’ve been using Cashflow ...
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