How Do I Record A Return To A Supplier?
Returns apply when goods you have purchased are returned to the Supplier. To process a Return: 1. Select the supplier from the Supplier List and click the [Returns] button. 2. Click on the [New] button. 3. The top left corner displays the supplier’s ...
How Do I Produce Suppliers & Purchases Reports?
Click on [Reports] from the left-hand side menu. Once a report is selected, there are options to select different parameters for the generation of the report. The Report Options listed in the following table are: D – Date Period. Choose a report date ...
How Do I Create A Purchase Invoice?
Purchase Invoices are generally recorded when you have received the goods and have an invoice from your supplier. This enables you to keep track of payments you owe to your suppliers. It is also used for inventory control as Purchase Invoice items ...
How Do I Process Payment Against A Supplier Invoice?
Open the Money Out section by clicking on the [Money Out] button to the right of the Supplier List. This will list all the Purchase Invoices waiting to be paid for all suppliers. The Payment Date will automatically have today’s date per the computer, ...
How Do I Add Suppliers?
When you click on the Suppliers tab in the Invoice section, the Supplier List will display. This consists of: Supplier List: The Supplier List is the main window of the Purchases section of Invoice Manager. The Supplier List can be sorted by Supplier ...
TPAR - Taxable Payments Annual Reporting FAQ
Step 1 – Select the option to 'Use Taxable Payments for Contractors'. Open the Cashflow program and select Suppliers on the left under Invoice and click on [Tools] then select [Options]. In [Options] click on [Advanced Preferences] and check the box ...
How Do I Create A Purchase Order?
Purchase Orders are used to order goods from your suppliers. The Purchase Orders page allows you to see what orders you have for the selected supplier and when they were created. You can create new Purchase Orders and view/edit existing orders from ...
Job numbers guide
Job Numbers (Cashflow Manager Gold only) Job Numbers allow you to apply invoices to particular jobs to give you information on the income and costs for those jobs. For example, a builder may be working on several projects and require invoices to be ...
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