Wages Manager - Reporting Options

Wages Manager - Reporting Options

The Reports section has comprehensive reports including analysis reports, ATO requirements, PAYG Summaries, Superannuation payments, and Pay Slips.

Once a report is selected, there are options to select different parameters for the generation of the report. Different reports have different options depending on the type of report, but most have similar options, such as selected employees, a date range or specific type of report.

There are different Report filtering Options. These are:

– Branch filter. Option to report for a selected branch

– Date Period. Choose a report date range from This Month, This Quarter, This Year or Custom (select report start and end periods from within the current financial year).

– Employee selection. Choose either All Employees, or Selected Employees (brings up a list of all employees to tick selected or not).

– Filter report. Report will show information based on filters e.g. Summary or Detailed

– Pay Process Date. Will list any processed pay dates to view information on pays.

– Type of printout. Choice of print layout or specific print media.


Types of Reports – Wages Manager

Wages Manager includes the following reports. The Letters represent the filtering options outlined above.



Summary of all allowances for all employees or for each individual allowance

B, D, E, F



Information required for preparing your Business Activity Statement or Instalment Activity Statement

D, E


Cash Denominations

The cash denominations needed to pay employees in cash

B, D, E, P


Choice of Super Form

Employee Choice of Superannuation Form


Combined Payroll Summary

Summary of all payroll categories for all employees. (Has option to include Termination Pays)

B, D, E



Summary of all deductions for all employees or for each individual deduction

B, D, E, F


Employee Address Labels

Prints Employee Name and Address Details using Avery labels



Employee Bank Accounts

Lists bank accounts setup for employees



Employee Custom Rates

Lists Custom Rate Columns setup for employees



Employee Details

Contact and pay information for employees

B, E


Employer Costs

Identifies the costs the employer incurs

B, D, E


Entitlement Balance

Balance of leave and RDO entitlements

B, E


Entitlement History

History of leave and RDO entitlements

B, D, E


Fringe Benefits Account Balances

Tracks the balance of an employee’s fringe benefit account after pay deductions, fringe benefit payments and account adjustments

B, E. D


Fringe Benefits Paid

Lists Fringe Benefits paid together with ATO ‘gross-up’ for reporting on PAYG Payment Summaries

B, D, E


Leave Register

Show all details of the type of leave taken and when it was taken

B, D, E


Pay Advice

Pay Advice for employees’ pay

B, E, P, T


Pay Advice List

A list of pays detailing Pay Categories, Pay Rates and Amounts (Excel only)

B, E, P


Pay Advice Summary

Summary of pay advices including Gross Pay, PAYG Withholding and Net Pay

B, E, P


Pay History

Pay history for all employees or selected employees

B, D, E


Pay Hours

Lists total hours worked for each pay category (Excel only)

B, D, E, F


PAYG Payment Summary

PAYG Payment Summaries for employees

B, E, T


PAYG Summary List

Summary of PAYG Payment Summaries for all or selected employees

B, E


Payroll Categories

Pays dissected into different payroll categories of wages, deductions, PAYG Withholding, Net Pay and Superannuation

B, E, D, F


Salary Sacrifice

Salary Sacrifice broken into the categories nominated

B, E, D


Superannuation Contribution

Report for employees on superannuation contributions made by the employer

B, E, D, F, T


Superannuation Remittance

Remittance amounts by nominated Super fund

B, E, D, F


Superannuation Guarantee Audit

Matches the requirements of the Tax Office when auditing employers re the Superannuation Guarantee legislation.

NOTE: This report uses Ordinary Time Earnings and will not apply for any employees with a different earnings base

E, D


Superannuation Payments

Payments made to superannuation funds

B, E, D, F


Termination Pays

Report of employees Termination Pay

B, E, D, F

Union Summary

Union deductions from employee pays

B, E, D, F

Note: The Entitlement Balance Report can also be viewed/printed from the Processing Pays page by clicking on the [Entitlement Balances] button. The Pay Advice can also be printed when viewing the Pay Summary. All other reports are printed from the Reports section only.


Accessing Reports

  • - From the Employees screen click on the [reports] tab in the left menu.
  • - A List of all reports will be shown.
  • - Once you have selected the report you wish to view click [continue] on the bottom right of the screen.
  • - Select your reporting filter options.
  • - Continue by selecting one of the view/save options.
    • - [Excel] this will give you the option to save the data as an Excel sheet. This is not available on all reports.
    • - [Save As] allows you to save the report as a PDF.
    • - [Preview] will show the report on the screen and give further options to [Print], [Save] As or [Email].
    • - [Print] will take you directly to your printer options. 
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