Job Numbers (Cashflow Manager Gold only)
Job Numbers allow you to apply invoices to particular jobs to give you information on the income and costs for those jobs. For example, a builder may be working on several projects and require invoices to be applied to each project.
If you did not elect to use Job Numbers when setting up your file, click on the [Tools] menu, select [Options], then [Advanced Preferences] and tick [Use Job Numbers]
To open the Jobs List, click on the [Tools] menu and select [Jobs List].
The Jobs List page will appear. Any existing jobs will be listed.
For example: a firm of builders has a job to supply and lay bricks at 1 Smith Street. For ease of identification, they use the address as the job name.
Create a new Job:
1. Click on the [New] button.
2. Record a unique Job Number and Job Name.
3. Record a Description for the job.
4. Record the expected Start Date and End Dates for the job to assist you with your project management.
5. Click on the arrow next to the Customer Code to select the customer for the job.
- You will also notice an [Inactive] button. When the job is completed, this button is used to remove this job from the list (and reports) of active jobs.
6. Once you have completed the information, click on [Save].
The Jobs List will now include the job at the end of your list of jobs and positioned on the left to indicate that this is currently reporting as a job on its own.
If you wish to move the Job up or down in order, click on the Up or Down arrows at the right of the window.
To find a specific job, enter the job number in the box below the [Find] button, then click [Find] to move directly to that job.
In our example, we wish to make this a sub-job of the 1 Smith Street job (Job 2014-1). With the line selected and in the location we want it (under the master job), click on the right arrow at the right of page. This will indent the job and make it a sub-job of the master job above. If you wished this to be a sub-job of the 2014-1a job, simply click the right arrow again. We will not do this as we just want it to report as a sub-job of 2014-1.
Click on [Save] to save the changes and then [Cancel] to exit the Jobs List page.
We now have a Job No. column when recording the supplier’s invoice. When recording the invoice for the supply of bricks, select Job No. 2014-1a. When the invoice for bricklaying is received, select Job No. 2014-1b. (If the invoice for the supply covers more than one job then each line can be allocated a different job number.)
When creating an invoice for our customer, we can select the job number in the bottom left corner of the Invoice page.
Having recorded our suppliers’ invoices and invoiced our customer, if we now return to our Jobs List we will see the following information:
The master job 2014-1 has income of $10,000 (excluding GST), total costs of $7000 (made up of $5000 for sub-job 2014-1a and $2000.00 for sub-job 2014-1b) and net profit of $3000. If you click on the Show Detail button at the top right of the page, the Jobs List will also show the invoice numbers and amounts that make up the total.
If you wish to edit the details of a job, click on the [Edit] button. This will open the same page as the [New] button but will include the details you have recorded for the job.
Click on the [Print] button to print your Jobs List information. You have the choice of a Summary Report or one that also includes Details. If you want to include the details, click on the Show Detail checkbox on the Jobs List page prior to clicking on the [Print] button.
You can also choose to [Print Selected Jobs]. This will print the selected job including any sub-jobs that apply.
Please note: the example has used sub-jobs for the purpose of demonstrating how the program works. However, we would normally only used sub-jobs if they were large jobs in their own right and we wanted information about them. In normal circumstances for this example we would have just used the one job number.