How To Use The Employee Diary
The Employee Diary is designed for if you need to keep any notes for your employees for your own records.
To Enter a New Note.
1. Click on the employee's name.
2. Click on the [Employee Diary] button.
3. Click the [New] button.
4. Choose the 'Date' of the entry you are currently entering.
5. Click in the main message screen. (You can enter a message up to 250 characters long).
6. Click the [Save] button.
To Edit a Current Note.
1. Click on the employee's name.
2. Click on the [Employee Diary] button.
3. Click on the entry you wish to edit.
4. Click the [View/Edit] button.
5. Do the amendments you need to.
6. Click on the [Save] button.
To Preview and Print an Entry.
1. Click on the employee's name.
2. Click on the [Employee Diary] button.
3. Click on the entry you wish to view.
4. Click the [Preview] button.
5. Click on the [Print] button.
6. You can also email the Report by clicking on the [Email] button or save it by clicking on the [Save As...] button.
7. Click on the [Cancel] button to exit.
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