How do I provide information to my accountant?

How do I provide information to my accountant?

1. In the ‘Cashflow’ section of the program, click on the word ‘File’ (Top left-hand corner).
2. Click Accountant Export.
3. Click Export to Accountant.
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4. Select the account(s) you wish to export. ‘All Accounts’ is the default selection, but you can change this to the current account you are working in or click on Select Accounts to choose which ones you would like to include.
5. Choose the starting month and year and the ending month and year.
6. You are now ready to create the export file.
7. Click on Browse The ‘Save as’ window will appear to allow you to choose a location and file name for the export file.
8. You can choose a safe location you would like to save the file (The default location is the C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\CFM\Cashflow12\Data folder The default file name is the name of your current business file with information about the dates you are exporting). For example, if your current file name is ‘Sample’ and you are exporting from January 2022 to March 2022, the file name for the export file will be Sample Jan2022-Mar2022.The file will be saved as an Accountant Export File with an .e12 extension. The months will be locked for each of the accounts included in the export, so you do not make any unwanted changes.
9. Click on the Export button. The program will now create the file.

A red padlock will appear next to the account name in your Cashflow Manager work area to indicate that the month is locked.

1. If you wish to email the file to your accountant, check the box that says ‘Email File when Export Complete’.
2. If you select ‘Email File When Export Complete’ the ‘Email Document’ window will appear.
3. Type in your accountant’s email address in ‘Send To:’ (or select the address by selecting from ‘Show Contact Emails’.
4. Add a subject for the email (e.g. Cashflow Manager Files Type) and any additional text for the email.
5. Click on the Send button.

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