When you click on the Suppliers tab in the Invoice section, the Supplier List will display.
This consists of:
The Supplier List is the main window of the Purchases section of Invoice Manager.
The Supplier List can be sorted by Supplier Code, Supplier Name, Contact Name or Phone by clicking on the column heading at the top.
A triangle to the right of the column name will indicate the sort order of the column: an ‘up’ triangle indicates ascending order, and a ‘down’ triangle descending order.
To quickly and easily search for an existing supplier, sort by Supplier Name and then type the first letter of the name. The closest match will be highlighted in the list.
To the right of the Supplier List are buttons for the common functions undertaken
in the program. These are divided into groups: Functions, Information and Suppliers.
Each function button performs a different task in the program. They allow you to add or edit purchase orders, purchase invoices, returns, apply payments and overpayments. To use a function, select a customer by clicking on their name, and then click the function button desired.
For example, if you need to edit a supplier’s details, click on their name in the Supplier List and then click on the [Modify Supplier] button.
To add a new supplier:
If you have hidden a Supplier, they can be restored, or shown. Click on the
[Manage Supplier] tab, and click the [Hidden] option.
The Supplier Diary allows you to record notes in relation to the employee. These are purely for your records, and do not affect any other part of the program.
To add, view or delete entries in the Supplier Diary, select the supplier in the Supplier List and then click on the [Supplier Diary] button.
A list of recorded notes is displayed together with the date. You can sort the list by clicking on the column headings. Clicking again will sort the list in reverse order.
To edit a note, select the note in the list, and click on the [View/Edit] button. Make the changes, and click [Save]to save changes.
To delete a note, select the note in the list, and click the [Delete] button. The note will be removed. To print diary notes, click on the [Preview] button to show a print preview.
The Supplier Inquiry page shows a history of transactions in your supplier's account. A transaction can be viewed by double-clicking on it.
You can select to view Finacial Transactions Only, and All Transactions. Financial Transactions Only will not display Purchase Orders.
To print a selection of the Supplier Inquiry transactions, click on the [Print Inquiry]
button. Select the dates to include and click on [Print]