Sales Invoices, Adjustment Notes, Picking Slips, Purchase Orders, Purchase Invoices, Receipts or Statements
Invoice Manager has standard layouts for Invoices, Adjustment Notes, Picking Slips, Purchase Orders, Purchase Invoices, Receipts and 2 standard layouts for Statements included with the program. To use these standard layouts, see the section ‘Invoice Design (Layouts)’ in the ‘Options’ section.
To customise the layout for any printout within Invoice Manager, click on the [Tools] menu, select Customised Layouts and then choose which layout you wish to customise.
The Customise Layout page will open, showing a menu and icons at the top, the layout area on the left and the object properties on the right.
The icons (from left to right) are as follows:
Invoice Manager has standard layouts for Invoices, Adjustment Notes, Picking Slips, Purchase Orders, Purchase Invoices, Receipts and 2 standard layouts for Statements included with the program. To use these standard layouts, see the section ‘Invoice Design (Layouts)’ in the ‘Options’ section.
To customise the layout for any printout within Invoice Manager, click on the [Tools] menu, select Customised Layouts and then choose which layout you wish to customise.
The Customise Layout page will open, showing a menu and icons at the top, the layout area on the left and the object properties on the right.
The icons (from left to right) are as follows:
1. Load a Layout
2. Save a Layout
3. Cut
4. Copy
5. Paste
6. Delete Selected Item
7.Change Font of All Text
8.Insert Text Box
9. Insert a Line
10. Insert a Box
11. Insert Picture Box
Load a Layout
The first step is to load an existing standard layout.
The standard layouts include:
- General Invoice –Item Code Layout
- General Invoice –No Item Code Layout
- Service Invoice
- Professional Invoice
- Medical Layout
There is also an option to include a remittance advice with credit card options in the standard layout.
If you have not already selected your standard layout and options, click on the Options icon and select Invoice Layout Settings. Make your selections and click on
Now you are ready to Load the Layout.
You will be given the option to ‘Load Invoice Layout’ when you first select to customise a layout. If the Customise Layout window is already open, click on the [File] menu on the Customise Layout screen and select [Load Layout], or click on the
[Load Layout] icon. Select the Default Layout and click on the [Load] button.
This will load the default layout into the Layout section.
The layout consists of 3 sections:
If you have not already selected your standard layout and options, click on the Options icon and select Invoice Layout Settings. Make your selections and click on
Now you are ready to Load the Layout.
You will be given the option to ‘Load Invoice Layout’ when you first select to customise a layout. If the Customise Layout window is already open, click on the [File] menu on the Customise Layout screen and select [Load Layout], or click on the
[Load Layout] icon. Select the Default Layout and click on the [Load] button.
This will load the default layout into the Layout section.
The layout consists of 3 sections:
- Header: includes Company and Customer/Supplier information
- Detail: includes the transaction information
- Footer: includes totals and remittance information
There are four main elements in a Customised Layout:
1. Text Boxes (boxes that contain text)
2. Lines
3. Picture Boxes (boxes that contain pictures such as your logo)
4. Data Line Control (Detail section)
To edit an individual object, click on the object to select it. The object name will show at the top right. You can then drag it to a different location, resize it by positioning your mouse over the edit nodes and dragging, or edit it using the properties in the top right corner.
To select multiple objects, click and draw a box around the objects to be selected.
Text Boxes:
Text Boxes serve three purposes:
Labels: Normally to identify data fields on the printout, can also be simple text, which does not change. These types of text boxes have a fuzzy grey border.
Labels: Normally to identify data fields on the printout, can also be simple text, which does not change. These types of text boxes have a fuzzy grey border.
Data field with global information: Contains constant information, such as: your Company Name or Company Address. It is a Constant Text Box for all layouts. These types of text boxes have a solid blue border.
Data field with dynamic information: Contains information gathered from the specific document being printed i.e. customer invoice, receipt, purchase order, etc. Information for example: customer details, item details, date, invoice number, etc. These types of text boxes also have a solid blue border.
To create a new Text Box, click on the [Insert Text Box] icon on the tool bar or click on the Insert menu and select [Insert Text Box]. You can also right-click on the layout page and select the [Insert Text Box] menu option.
The new Text Box will be created in the top left-hand corner of the page, with a name like ‘Label2’.
Drag the Text Box to where you want it on the layout by clicking and holding the left mouse button on the Text Box, and then moving the mouse to the new position. When in position, let go of the mouse button. To edit the displayed text in a Text Box, right-click on the Text Box, select [Edit Text] , and change the ‘Text’ field in the object properties on the right side of the screen. If you right click on a Text Box you can also edit the font type, style and size, copy the text box or delete it.
To change the Text Box into a Data Field, change the Data property from ‘False’ to ‘True’. Then right-click the box, and select [Set Data Field], and choose the data field from the pop-up window. There are three tabs separating different information, with fields in each. The third tab will contain fields relevant only to the current layout, such as the Invoice Details in the case of an Invoice Layout.
The new Text Box will be created in the top left-hand corner of the page, with a name like ‘Label2’.
Drag the Text Box to where you want it on the layout by clicking and holding the left mouse button on the Text Box, and then moving the mouse to the new position. When in position, let go of the mouse button. To edit the displayed text in a Text Box, right-click on the Text Box, select [Edit Text] , and change the ‘Text’ field in the object properties on the right side of the screen. If you right click on a Text Box you can also edit the font type, style and size, copy the text box or delete it.
To change the Text Box into a Data Field, change the Data property from ‘False’ to ‘True’. Then right-click the box, and select [Set Data Field], and choose the data field from the pop-up window. There are three tabs separating different information, with fields in each. The third tab will contain fields relevant only to the current layout, such as the Invoice Details in the case of an Invoice Layout.
To create a new Line, click on the [Insert Line] icon on the tool bar or click on the
Insert menu and select [Insert Line]. You can also right-click on the layout page and select the [Insert Line] menu option.
The new Line will be created in the top left-hand corner of the page, with a name like ‘Line2’. Drag the Line to where you want it on the layout by clicking and holding the left mouse button on the Line, and then moving the mouse to the new position. When in position, let go of the mouse button.
When you select a Line, a small red resizing square appears at either end of the Line. Hold and drag your left mouse button on the square to re position the end point of the Line. The thickness and colour of a Line can be edited by the Line Width and Line Colour properties. The Line style can also be edited with the Line Style property.
To delete a Line right-click on the Line and select [Delete].
Insert menu and select [Insert Line]. You can also right-click on the layout page and select the [Insert Line] menu option.
The new Line will be created in the top left-hand corner of the page, with a name like ‘Line2’. Drag the Line to where you want it on the layout by clicking and holding the left mouse button on the Line, and then moving the mouse to the new position. When in position, let go of the mouse button.
When you select a Line, a small red resizing square appears at either end of the Line. Hold and drag your left mouse button on the square to re position the end point of the Line. The thickness and colour of a Line can be edited by the Line Width and Line Colour properties. The Line style can also be edited with the Line Style property.
To delete a Line right-click on the Line and select [Delete].
Picture Boxes
To create a new Picture Box, click on the [Insert Picture Box] icon on the tool bar or click on the [Insert] menu and select [Insert Picture Box]. You can also right-click on the layout page and select the [Insert Picture Box] menu option.
The new Picture Box will be created in the top left-hand corner of the page, with a name like ‘Picture2’. Drag the Picture Box to where you want it on the layout by clicking and holding the left mouse button on the Picture Box, and then moving the mouse to the new position. When in position, let go of the mouse button. You may have to move slowly as it redraws the box as it moves.
To Set or Change the picture in a Picture Box right click on the box and select [Set Picture]. Choose a valid picture file in the format of a BMP, GIF, JPG or JPEG, and click the [Open] button to add the picture to your layout.
Once you have inserted a picture you may need to resize the box to fit the picture. To do this, use the properties on the right side. The properties include the distance from the top and the left of the page as well as the Height and Width of the picture box. It also contains Size Mode that provides options for Normal, Stretch Image, Auto Size and Centre.
To avoid loss of quality, it is preferable for the original image file to be the right size for the document. To determine the size of the original image, change the Size Mode property to ‘Auto Size’, and then click on the Picture Box so the Height and Width of the Picture Box will be displayed in the properties. You can change the Height and Width properties to adjust to the size you require, ensuring that you keep them in proportion to the original picture size.
Change the Size Mode property again to ‘Stretch Image’. You may need to click on the Picture Box again to view the adjustment.
To delete a Picture Box right-click on the box and select [Delete].
The new Picture Box will be created in the top left-hand corner of the page, with a name like ‘Picture2’. Drag the Picture Box to where you want it on the layout by clicking and holding the left mouse button on the Picture Box, and then moving the mouse to the new position. When in position, let go of the mouse button. You may have to move slowly as it redraws the box as it moves.
To Set or Change the picture in a Picture Box right click on the box and select [Set Picture]. Choose a valid picture file in the format of a BMP, GIF, JPG or JPEG, and click the [Open] button to add the picture to your layout.
Once you have inserted a picture you may need to resize the box to fit the picture. To do this, use the properties on the right side. The properties include the distance from the top and the left of the page as well as the Height and Width of the picture box. It also contains Size Mode that provides options for Normal, Stretch Image, Auto Size and Centre.
To avoid loss of quality, it is preferable for the original image file to be the right size for the document. To determine the size of the original image, change the Size Mode property to ‘Auto Size’, and then click on the Picture Box so the Height and Width of the Picture Box will be displayed in the properties. You can change the Height and Width properties to adjust to the size you require, ensuring that you keep them in proportion to the original picture size.
Change the Size Mode property again to ‘Stretch Image’. You may need to click on the Picture Box again to view the adjustment.
To delete a Picture Box right-click on the box and select [Delete].
Detail Section (Data Line Control)
The Data Line Control applies to all layouts except the Receipt and Statement layouts. The Data Line Control is the only object in the Detail Section. It includes data fields for the transaction details. For example, on a Sales Invoice the Data Line Control has fields for Item Code, Description, Unit Price, Quantity, GST and Total Price.
The individual fields are always kept on the same horizontal line to ensure they are aligned correctly when they print.
To change the fields that display in the Invoice Details (e.g. to include the extra ‘Date’ column or to remove the ‘Item Code’) right click in white space in the Detail Section and click on the box to select or deselect the field.
Added fields will appear at the beginning of line. Click and drag the fields to change the order.
You can also resize the fields but make sure they do not overlap to avoid printing over each other.
Individual fields can be edited for their size, font and colour as appropriate using the properties on the right side of the window
The individual fields are always kept on the same horizontal line to ensure they are aligned correctly when they print.
To change the fields that display in the Invoice Details (e.g. to include the extra ‘Date’ column or to remove the ‘Item Code’) right click in white space in the Detail Section and click on the box to select or deselect the field.
Added fields will appear at the beginning of line. Click and drag the fields to change the order.
You can also resize the fields but make sure they do not overlap to avoid printing over each other.
Individual fields can be edited for their size, font and colour as appropriate using the properties on the right side of the window
Save and Load Customised Layouts
To save your Customised Layout, click on the [Save Layout] icon from the toolbar or click on the [File] menu and select [Save Layout]. There are three slots to save each layout into. Select the slot to save into and name the layout. Click the [Save] button.